The ekgov digital platform - makes the housing and communal services sector more profitable, reliable and convenient for both commercial, management companies and all subscribers. Motto: "Simple, convenient and reliable."


-provide owners online with all the necessary information about the building, house, apartment, housing, at industrial facilities and communal services. So that employees of managing organizations and ordinary subscribers, without any requests and trips to the offices of organizations, can see information on payments for an apartment, rented space, what contracts for housing and communal services are concluded and how they are performed, see in electronic form the readings of all meters, pay, accept payments for housing and communal services;
-provide the opportunity to use the platform to hold house-wide meetings or meetings on buildings in electronic form. In addition, so that any person has the opportunity to remotely contact their management company or authorities on issues related to housing and communal services;
-on the platform website, provide information on the legislative framework on the topic, find information on subsidies, benefits and compensation for maintaining green technologies;
-provide an environment for the delivery of household waste to specialized companies and receive payment for recyclables.


Among the many advantages are:
-ease of use (the entire platform is controlled by a single or multiple authorized devices);
-security (the user and the platform are in full control of the object, apartment or room);
-innovations (implemented the functionality of an online refrigerator, which, after additional installation of a device with compact cameras on your refrigerator, allows you to remotely see all the information about the products stored in your refrigerator, with expiration dates in real time);
-flexible settings (the platform allows you to customize devices for yourself, change their functionality);
-savings (patform reduces costs for utility bills due to the accuracy of measurement and control of excessive consumption of energy resources);
-automation (the platform includes all the functionality of a smart home / building, through which you can automatically or manually remotely control all the necessary life-sustaining devices);
-environmental friendliness (on the platform, the functionality for the delivery of household waste and the receipt of payment is organized and implemented, due to which there is a tangible contribution to the protection of nature and health);
-design (each user has in his account an exact 3D reflection of the architecture of his object with the corresponding design).